A sample of relevant research publications from the Global Data Justice team
– **Taylor, L.** (under review). [Public Actors without Public Values: Legitimacy, domination and the regulation of the technology sector](https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/gtw2x/). _SocArXiv_.
– **Taylor, L.** (2020, forthcoming). Exploitation as Innovation: Research ethics and the governance of experimentation in the urban living lab. _Regional Studies_.
– **Martin, A. K.** & **Taylor, L.** (2020, forthcoming). Exclusion and Inclusion in Identification: Regulation, displacement and data justice. _Information Technology for Development_.
– **Taylor, L.** & Dencik, L (2020). [Constructing Commercial Data Ethics](https://doi.org/10.26116/techreg.2020.001). _Technology and Regulation_, 1-10.
– **Taylor, L.** & Meissner, F. (2020). [A Crisis of Opportunity: Market-making, big data, and the consolidation of migration as risk](https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12583). _Antipode_, 52(1), 270-290.
– **Taylor, L.** & Purtova, N. (2019). [What is Responsible and Sustainable Data Science?](https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2053951719858114). _Big Data & Society_, July–December 2019: 1–6.
– **Taylor, L.** (2019). [Global Data Justice](https://doi.org/10.1145/3325279). _Communications of the ACM_, 62(6), 22-24.
– **Jameson, S.**, Richter, C. & **Taylor, L.** (2019). [People’s strategies for perceived surveillance in Amsterdam Smart City](https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2019.1614369). _Urban Geography_, 40(10), 1467-1484.
– **Martin, A. K.** (2019). [Mobile Money Platform Surveillance](https://doi.org/10.24908/ss.v17i1/2.12924). _Surveillance & Society_, 17(1/2), 213-222.
– Richter, C., **Taylor, L.**, **Jameson, S.** & Perez del Pulgar, C. (2019). [Who are the end-user(s) of smart cities? A synthesis of conversations in Amsterdam](https://www.routledge.com/Creating-Smart-Cities-1st-Edition/Coletta-Evans-Heaphy-Kitchin/p/book/9780815396253) in _Creating Smart Cities_. Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. & Kitchin, R. (eds.). Abingdon: Routledge, 121-130.
– **Taylor, L.** (2017). [What Is Data Justice? The Case for Connecting Digital Rights and Freedoms Globally](https://doi.org/10.1177/2053951717736335). _Big Data & Society_, July–December 2017, 1–14.
– Donovan, K. P., Frowd, P. M. & **Martin, A. K.** (2016). [ASR Forum on Surveillance in Africa: Introduction](https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2016.35). _African Studies Review_, 59(2), 31-37.
– Donovan, K. P. & **Martin, A. K.** (2014). [The Rise of African SIM Registration: The Emerging Dynamics of Regulatory Change](http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v19i2.4351). _First Monday_, 19(2-3).